Course image Peer Teaching Dialogue - Capstone

To complete the full ACES Program Certificate activity, you are required to submit a Capstone on one of the following two topics, Peer Teaching Dialogue and Teaching Philosophy Statement.  A Peer Teaching Dialogue (PTD) is an opportunity for Schulich teachers to explore and strengthen their teaching practice in a collaborative, confidential manner with a teaching peer. This process is distinct and separate from a teaching evaluation. However, there may be information in your teaching evaluations which you may want to discuss with your peer. PTD is an effective faculty development process which is commonly used in higher education teaching contexts; it has also been previously implemented by several Schulich educators. As with any coaching process, the emphasis of a PTD is on establishing a supportive discussion to explore improvements in your teaching skills and behaviours. The suggested model is based on peer-reviewed literature, and an environmental scan of health sciences peer teaching dialogue programs.

Course image Teaching Philosophy Statement

To complete the full ACES Program Certificate activity, you are required to submit a Capstone on one of the following two topics, Peer Teaching Dialogue and Teaching Philosophy Statement. Your Teaching Dossier clearly documents teaching roles and tasks. Your Teaching Philosophy Statement should succinctly draw out the strongest and most salient teaching examples from your dossier to demonstrate your teaching philosophy in practice. Congruence is key between your dossier and your philosophy. In this activity, you will highlight what you do for your learners and why.