Course image Hidden Curriculum
Exploring the Impact of the Learning Environment on Education

This two-part activity enables an opportunity for learners to uncover the Hidden Curriculum in medical education. The first activity of the two-part series explores the Hidden Curriculum for learners in Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME). The second activity explores content and resources on Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum website designed to foster inclusive post-secondary education through explicit skill development. Participants are required to complete modules from the domains: Executive FunctionCommunication, and  Critical Thinking.

Course image Prior Learning Experience Application: Exploring the Impact of the Learning Environment on Education
Exploring the Impact of the Learning Environment on Education

Following the principles of adult education and professional development, the Advanced Certificate of Education at Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry (ACES) program has been designed to acknowledge faculty members’ prior learning experiences (PLEs) and ongoing education development activities that can be demonstrated to be aligned with the current Schulich values and education programming.